Biological waste fore innovative textile materials

In the long term, the goal must be to become independent of fossil raw materials. The sources of recycling and biomass play a central role in this. For a sustainable circular economy (economic, ecological, social), it is indispensable to make residual materials usable again in high-quality products. In addition to the use of locally available residual material flows, locally produced, renewable-based raw materials (e.g. biopolymers) also help to reduce dependence on fossil raw materials.

The webinar will present existing solutions and innovations from industry and research. The presentations are intended to provide a holistic view of the value chains and a subsequent discussion.


Opening. Moderation: Heike Vogel-Pöschl, adidas


Potential for the use of biopolymers in the production and application of geotextiles

Hartmut Hangen, Huesker Synthetic GmbH


INGRAIN: - Spitze im Westen: Innovationsbündnis Agrar-Textil-lebensmitte- von Reststoff zu Wertstoff zu Nährstoff

Sea-Hyun Lee, RWTH Aachen


GOLD: Bio-inspired elastic textiles from gold beater skin

Claudio Flores, Mimotype Technologies GmbH


How to produce biodegradable natural plastics from seaweed?

Ludwig Schmidtchen, Brabender GmbH & Co.KG


GlyChem – Glycanes and by-products as biogenic value-added product

Stefan Hanstein, IWKS, Marcus Rose, TU Darmstadt


Vertical Farming with OrbiPlant® System – Sustainable and resource efficient crop production

Stefan Schilberg, IME


Zoom-Räume mit den Referent:innen


Ende der Veranstaltung